Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.

Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.

equator journal

The fear of judgement robs you of realizing your full potential.

To access potential, this fear must be dissolved.

Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.



Let understand the esoteric fundamentals of fear.

Fear is a story looped in your mind.

What you focus is on who you become.

Focus on fear, fear becomes embodied.


When fear is stored in your body, it communicates to you through your nervous system.

Rather, it operates you through your nervous system.


Fear is encoded. It encapsulates energy and a sense of identity.

Think of fear like the introduction of a cell that is harmful to your body.

It not only physically and energetically affects you; it begins to change who you think you are and what you are capable of.

Fear becomes your embodied identity, even if you do not fully accept this identity.

Fear is one the strongest energies, that is why we magnetically focus on fears and therefore see them play out.

Read this post on how to stop manifesting fear.

Fear of judgement is especially sinister.

It is hidden deep within us but is based completely outside of us.

It is the single most detrimental aspect to our self-worth.


Without self-worth, you cannot become who you want to become.

Said differently,

With the fear of judgement, you will not realize your potential.

Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.

equator journal


But we all struggle with comparison, which is judgment at it’s root.

When we see others doing what we want, we have a choice to be inspired, jealous, and lousy.

This is where the codes of fear reveal themselves.


Fear is a code that become the default software of you, and it projects itself into your mind in scenarios where you perceive the threat of judgement.


Fear tricks you into thinking this threat is pointed towards your survival.

Paradoxically, when you put your belief in this trick, you become worse off because you shut down an entire side of your neurology as well as the underlying drive to become your best self.


Fear only lives where it is supported within you.

What supports your fears?

The stories that created them which now run on autopilot.

Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.

equator journal


To eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA you must

-        Unveil the stories that created them

-        Become conscious of when they project into your life

-        Apply the equal and opposite energy of acceptance and encouragement where comparison and discouragement live.


Only when you become conscious do you become a creator of your reality, the author of your life.

The fear of judgement dissuades you of your authorship and delegates it to itself.

Give yourself grace in this transformation.


Everyone struggles with fear of judgement on some level.

Anyone who tells you otherwise has not ventured into the shadow, wherein you realize the very fear itself is the way out of the shadow.


The fear of judgement is akin to the fear of living your own life.

We live in a hyper-comparative culture, and often just cutting out a lot of background noise can actually help you observe the underlying patterns of your fears more consciously.


To overcome the fear of judgement, you don’t have to hermit away from society and technology.

I am personally a little hermit, but nonetheless…

Often the best way out of your fears is through them.


You’ve manifested enough of your fears into reality.

It is literally encoded into you.

Your way to break this cycle is to examines the stories that structure the fears.


Stories that create fear only come from 2 places.

1.      You created them

2.      You believed an outside story and made it your own.



Whether you were initially unconscious of the origin of your fears is now ancillary, because time is non-linear and you go back to the planting of that seed of fear and change your mental story about it.

Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.

equator journal


Revelation comes from the Latin word revelare which means to veil again.

The nature of the revelation is a momentary glimpse into the code that constructs your reality.

It must remain in the shadow, but for moments we can access the code.


In the moments where you discover the origin of the story of your fear,

You gain access, through the space between the veiling, to reprogram the story that created the fear.


Imagine the power of this.

You are literally going back in energetic time to alter your current reality.

The past is physically fixed, but you can change your story of it.


Changing the story of your past fears around judgement allows you to dissolve the fears into courage, acceptance, and love.

Dissolving fears dissolves the constraints between you and your potential.

Freedom is revealed once more.


I wrote the ultimate guide to overcoming the fear of judgment. Its free, and it will help you tremendously in regards to family, society, potential, and so on.

 For stories and methods for dissolving fears and discovering freedom, subscribe to the newsletter!

Many a thanks



Here’s how to eradicate the fear of judgement from your DNA.

equator journal


Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.


The only thing preventing you from creating your own reality.