Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.

Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.

equator journal

We inherently know.

We own a knowingness about ourselves that often can’t be explained.

This knowingness is your way.

Let’s get back on the path.


 Unfortunately, we place mental constructs between our knowingness and our embodiment.

What limits us is our belief that we need to think in order to know.


Our subconscious is programmed with much of these internalized narratives of what we think to know about ourselves.

But this is illusory.


The nature of thinking itself is separated from knowing by a certain degree.

This serves a beautiful purpose to ideate, to create, and to inspire.

Yet, it does not aid in the knowing of thyself.

When something profound lands with you, where do you feel it?

We often use the term, “Mind Blown,” which literally denotes that the constraints of the mind were blown beyond its capacity to identify with the catalyst.


What ensues is liberation, and it is experienced through the body.

Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.

equator journal


We try to contain learning in the mind, which is futile when you really begin to understand it.

When you truly know something, it is second nature, it is embodied and it is simply expressed from within the fabric of your being.


When you are riding a bicycle, you are not thinking that you know how to ride the bicycle.

You are simply riding the bicycle.

You know deeply the creative act required to ride the bicycle.


Is that knowing mental or it stored below and beyond the mind?

It becomes embodied into the unconscious,

But here is the double-edged sword…


To re-program the unconscious with truthful knowingness,

You must un-program it first from all of the false constructs that have been embodied as “truths.”

Read this to rewire those falsehoods, read this post.

So where do we arrive with this awareness.

We land at liberation.

We remove the pressure from ourselves to need to know everything.

Read this post to liberate more of this!

Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.

equator journal


What we need to know in this moment, we know; what we do not yet need to know, we will learn naturally in it’s time

With this awareness we become much more available to use our mind fruitfully in collaboration with the rest of our being.


This awareness simply brings balance back to the nature of how you were designed to operate.

The mind, the body, and the soul function best in harmony.


The key is not to repress the ego, nor the body, nor the soul.

And in the same light not to attach to the mind, to the body, or to the soul.

Remembering your way is returning to balance.


Balance is your birthright, it is the middle way.

Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.

equator journal

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