The re-Design Workshop

A 6 week reality design intensive workshop that covers reality creation fundamentals.

I help you let go of the beliefs and senses of identity that limit your ability to create a life of clarity, confidence, and connection.

What’s included?

The workshop is structured of weekly one hour Group zoom calls + bi-weekly 30 minute Q + A.

On the intermediary weeks you will share your thoughts, findings, and questions via email, pdf presentation, or video where I will give you personalized feedback and guidance on your direction both verbally and written.

You will have 2 Personal Zoom calls with me throughout the 6 Weeks to be scheduled as you wish.

The workshop is intended to be a fun exploration of potential as well as a serious renewal and liberation of purpose.

The format of this workshop follows the curriculum of Design Intensives that I experienced while studying architecture in Italy.

This workshop was birthed from translating this process of architectural design into the design of the architecture that is our life, both inside and outside.

the Workshop Outline

Week 1 :  Radical Presence and the Art of the Now

Week 2 : Forgiveness + Deconstructing Who You Think Are

Week 3 : The Creative Act and Resistance to Becoming

Week 4 : Re-Defining Success

Week 5 : Re-Designing Reality

Week 6 : The Authenticity Blueprint

The full-cost of this workshop is $2200.

This is an interactive workshop where we will actively collaborate on the art of letting go and the process of re-designing your reality.

For your Highest Actualization

This Workshop will be as transformative as you are willing to put your work into it.

You must take agency over your life and your ability to create your own reality.

I can intimately guide you into asking the deepest questions, but ultimately you have to take the initiative and really follow down the path of alignment.

I am here to collaborate at high level with those who ready to radically dive into the unknown and their deepest limitation to help free yourself into your own potential.

“Kev has taught me that there is always light and joy to find in life. And even more so that you can be a beacon of light to others, anytime and any day. His work ethic and focus on his path have helped me to hone and improve my own. Without him, I wouldn’t be the man I am today and I am ever grateful for him being in my life!”

  • Connor Roberts. (Designer, Founder)

Meet The Instructor

I’m kev, a sea-salty cowboy architect.

And I, just like you, felt like my life was limited.

I chased a radical path in life only to realize that it wasn’t actually the life that I wanted to live.

Though it seemed like it was everything I could have ever wanted, I still felt out of alignment with my true purpose, less creatively inspired, and constantly in disharmony with my thoughts.

This is the definition of constraint and limitation, though from the outside many perceived me as free and successful.

Long story short, I discovered that freedom does not require any special achievements to embrace you, but rather that freedom is already there and you simply have to embrace it.

The separation from freedom is simply illusory.

Simple, revolutionary, and completely life altering.

Ready to live your Best life NOW?

Due to the nature of this program, there are no refunds. Please make a full-bodied decision to commit to yourself with your time, energy, and finances.

To honor the integration of Wisdom Teachings in this contemporary day and age,

if you are not resourced to pay the full amount of the workshop please email with a thoughtful expression of who you are and how a transformative workshop like this will impact your life. We offer scholarships regularly.