Trusting Yourself as an Artist

You’re a goddam Artist.

But you’ve been tomfooled into believing that you don’t trust yourself enough to be one. 

Can you believe in yourself like the goddam artist in you does? 

Art, creativity, is not limited.


Art is:

-        the way you speak

-        your ability to listen

-        the obscure way  you connect the dots

-        how you help others

-        the space you create when you laugh

Believe in yourself as an artist

It’s a way of being available to you always. 

Stop disbelieving in your creative potential because it may not fit the cultural category of art.

Your creative potential, your artistry, is as actualized as your belief in it.


Less belief in your potential = Less actualized potential

More belief in your potential = More actualized potential


How to stop doubting myself as an artist?

If you believe in your potential but you are not actualizing your potential, this is why.


You believe in yourself deep down, but your top level mental story is not radically trusting of your ability.

It’s all a game of trust.

Without radical trust there is no embodying clarity in your endeavor.


Becoming the goddam beautiful artist that you are – inside and out – is dependent on you cultivating radical trust in yourself.

Trust amplifies belief.

Amplified belief creates clarity.

Clarity creates confidence.

Confidence creates aligned action.

Discover yourself as an artist 

Aligned action creates pure possibility.


The goddam artist in you knows the language of pure possibility.

Tune in.



Navigating Uncertainty by Releasing Control


Cultivating Clarity: The Illusion of Confusion