Cultivating Clarity: The Illusion of Confusion
Culture is Confused.
Clarity is not found in the places you are told to look.
Rather, it becomes the default in the absence of seeking.
This is deeply fundamental in living life actualized.
Here is exactly why you can’t find clarity.
“I’m looking for clarity.”
What does this phrase imply?
Looking for clarity reinforces the belief that you are without clarity in the first place.
This is categorically false.
Clarity does not leave you just the same as the memory of yesterday does not leave you.
Its there, but only obscured by whatever eclipses your conscious recognition of it.
Clarity is not found, it is freed.
What keeps us separate from clarity is the same belief that keeps us separate from our dreams.
It’s just a wire in our neurological database making its way through our nervous system so that it can inform our behavior.
That belief can always be re-designed with intention and intimacy with your fears.
So, the seeking for clarity is the limitation.
Believing that you need to find clarity only strengthens the subconscious belief that clarity is something to be found ‘out there’.
The funny part is that you are always here.
You literally cannot get there from here.
Physics has it that the only place that clarity can ever exist is here.
“Ahhh, I’m going to have so much clarity in the future it’s ridiculous!”
How hilarious does this sound when this idea starts to land with you?
Yet, looking into the majority of our lives, how many us subscribe to this idea that we will have the things we desire in some unknown time and place in the future?
Clarity is freed from within our own body when we stop projecting the past into our fear and start taking the subtle cues that we experience each and every day.
Clarity is not a bright light-bulb.
Clarity is gentle and nuanced.
It’s a voice that can easily be lost in the noise of everyday life.
Cultivating clarity is not a grandiose moment like winning the lottery.
It’s a slow disciplined process of feeling safe in your body and listening to the authentic energy that is ALWAYS trying to be expressed through you.
Clarity is a problem for a lot of people because it can often point in a direction you believe isn’t right for you.
So you ignore that subtle voice and wait for the ‘thing’ that aligns with your very limited idea of self.
Culture is confused because everyone pretends they know what they want and how to get there, but in reality nobody has a clue what they truly want, only what they want next.
And certainly nobody knows what on earth they are doing, we are all just figuring it out along the way.
So stop seeking, and start listening to what is already here.
That’s how you free clarity from self-imposed constraint.