Navigating Uncertainty by Releasing Control

I’ve been feeling blue.

I’ve been moving slow.

I’ve been un-inspired.

Life has been feeling unclear.


Here’s how I move through seasons of the anti-dream.

Control is not the way through.


Grasping onto the things that make you believe you are the one in control of circumstances only ever creates more pressure in the pot.

It only ever creates a larger web of things to control.


Control is unsustainable, but it is the main ingredient of most unnecessary suffering.

We love, I love, unnecessary suffering, although I would never admit it…

Well… until now. 


Suffering thrives on control.

Control is what keeps distance between you feeling what Life is commanding you to feel.

There is no going against Life, that path is total disharmony guaranteed.

Why does control exist?

It’s a safety mechanism. 

I feel safe when my life looks like x,y,z.

I control life to always look like x,y,z so I don’t feel unsafe.


There’s the key word again.  

So much our relationship to safety boils down to our emotional field.


I feel less safe in Life when I feel confused, purposeless, and uninspired.

SO naturally, I try to resist feeling those emotions.


That’s the MOST crucial moment right there.

All Fears are fears of feeling.

Resisting feeling the feeling that the fear points to is the blockage, the limitation, the guarantee of undue hardship.


Allow yourself to feel it without identification.


I have a fear of feeling purposelessness.

If I resist feeling this fear for 5, 10, 20 years what are the consequences?

There is no growth without fear.

Fear is the precursor to freedom.

AND guess what?


You have to fully feel your fears to feel free.


If you don’t allow yourself to be broken down from to time and to feel the depths of the fear that Life presents you, you will never actually feel free.


At best, you will need superb control in order to feel at peace temporarily.

This is not the way.


Control is not the way through, surrender is liberation. 

Life isn’t asking you to feel, Life is telling you to feel.


So listen.


Then discover true freedom.


Control is not the way through Life.


Trusting Yourself as an Artist