The Future is Not Real: How to become self-empowered

The future is not real.

Yet, we outsource so much of our power to it.



Well luckily, there’s only 5 steps to a future of true freedom, but it will cost you everything you think you know about yourself.


Let’s look at the common illusory narratives of the future:


I’m going to be so happy in 10 years it’ll be ridiculous.

I’m not going to experience any difficulty once I’m finally ‘successful’.

I’ll have so much time to actualize my potential once I finish x,y,z.


None of these expressions are bad or wrong, they are just inaccurate.



The only power you have exists right here and right now.

Often, that power equally activates us as it can scare the shit out of us.


The fear of your own potential is real.

What happens if you actualize some of that power?

Do you have the capacity to sustain it, or will you drop it?

Does that make you a failure?

How then would you relate to yourself?

Are you feeling it yet Mr. Krabs?


It can feel safer to outsource your power to the future so that you never have to experience the latent fears hidden inside your potential.

Simultaneously, all you want is to embody more of that potential so that you can live more of the life you came here to live.

What a paradox.

So naturally, we place our potential in the ambiguous container of the future, forget about it, and then grapple with our limitations caused by of our own outsourcing.


It’s a mental shitshow, and there’s many victims we try to blame.


So let’s say you outsource you power and potential in the uncertainty of tomorrow.


There is literally no way of categorically knowing with absolute certainty what is going to happen to you tomorrow.


You have routine.

Yesterday might have felt similar to today.

Tomorrow is projected to be like today…


But even in that light, you don’t know what tomorrow holds.

So, its extremely risky business to bank your desire on a hypothetical scenario.

It’s disempowering to place conditions on what you truly want because they tend to cause the opposite circumstances of what we actually want.


Let’s examine this fallacy.


“I’ll be happy once I’m successful.”

But to be successful don’t you need to be happy?

So do you become ‘successful’ first or happy first?


I’m actually of the belief that happiness is a bullshit goal, because it’s not a way of being, its just an emotion that is as temporal as any.

But nonetheless…


To believe you need a certain outcome of a situation in order to feel a certain way is the perfect belief system to stay perpetually stuck, separate from who you want to be, and confused about why you aren’t ‘there yet.’


The future is a hypothetical story that you get to fabricate.


Where is the future?

How far away is it?

Have you ever met someone from the future to tell you of how all your problems are solved?


If you say you’ll be happy in 5 years once you have x amount money, y amount of free time, and z amount of kids…

what happens in one year?

is the goal still 5 years away or is it closer?

Did you move closer or did it move closer?


The pattern I observe over and over again is that humans tend to keep pushing the goalpost back.

You take one step and the goalpost correspondingly takes the same step back.

Even once you are in the manifestation of what you though you wanted, there are still plenty of voids in that reality that you could not have thought with your prior awareness.

Everything I’ve deeply focused on creating, I’ve been able to co-create in my life.

Most of the time, the reality I dreamed of falls short of the reality I get to embody.

But even still, that reality has empty spaces that I couldn’t see and there is no contractual guarantee that I will feel any better.

So long as the future remains a place, it will only ever be fictitious.

When the future becomes a state of being, it becomes a more accessible reality, but most  99% of people have it backwards.

You don’t push towards a future that you desire, you pull it towards you through embodying the state of being that exists in that version of future you.

Your agency to embody a state of being, a fundamental story of yourself, is what connects you to the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible.

So here’s 5 steps towards a future of true freedom.

1.      Get rid of the fantasy images.

They aren’t wrong, but often they are just distractions.

2.      Gather all parts of yourself into the now.

Where you have outsourced you power to the past and future, where you have placed conditions on yourself, where you have constructed stories about places other than here and now… Bring it all home by letting go of those stories.

3.      Dive inward to reveal to yourself the authentic blueprint of what your ideal state of being feels like. Hint: its not happiness. It’s more along the lines of integrating an identity of worthiness correspondent to the highest level of service you want to offer the world. (I dive deep into helping you discover this in my Authentic Blueprint workshop)

4.      Cut cords with all the beliefs about yourself not aligned to that identity by embracing the deep fears they present to you.

If deep fears of scarcity, insecurity, and inadequacy arise, feel them but don’t identify with them. Question their validity, and their powers over you dissolve.

5.      Be totally committed, yet completely detached from ever getting to the future you want.

Life is messy. It’s a bumpy path.

Embodying qualities of your desired future state of being now is the path you must take.

It’s extremely turbulent, but it’s the only through road amidst a maze of dead-ends.

 Eventually one day will have to become today for it to be ‘real’.

You and only you can allow today to be that one day you’ve been waiting for.


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