Becoming an Imperfectionist: Redefining Perfectionism

You think you are a perfectionist.


The truth is…

You aren’t actually a perfectionist.

That is an inaccurate way of identifying yourself, and very limiting.

 Transforming the perfectionist starts with re-designing your Subconscious Narrative around it. 

You care deeply about the quality of things you do, but there is an underlying shadow to this sense of care. 

In fact, because im BIG on language, you don’t have care but rather you have concern.

Care is rooted in compassion while concern is rooted in anxiety.

So what’s wrong with being a perfectionist and being concerned about doing things amazingly?


There’s nothing wrong with it…

You are just severely limited because of your fear of failure and your fear of judgement.

And if you are anything like me, you may be limited by the fear of success, and you are ready to finally transform this limitation.


So let’s walk through the Big Picture Awareness you MUST dial in.


The perfectionist archetype embodies concern for a deep seated insecurity of not being good enough.

“Unless I perform the absolute best I can perform, I don’t feel worthy. SO I am going to make sure everything is perfect before ever performing.”


This sounds like a strategy for amazing results, but unfortunately it yields the opposite effect.

Perfect is an illusion.

You’ll never get “there.”


Perfectionism keeps you separate from what you actually want.


Attaching your identity to being a perfectionist does not make your work any more perfect.

It only prevents you from actually taking any action.

Not taking action inhibits you from making mistakes.

Not making mistakes suffocates your growth.

You get the picture… Somewhat crude, but accurate.


The perfectionist, as one would relate to themself, is crippled by the fear of failure and judgement to the point where they actually create the future they are trying avoid.

IF a perfectionist fears of a future of potential judgement, failure, or inability to sustain success, what future do you think the perfectionist is destined for?


The perfectionist will perpetually stay stuck in the small idea of themselves that they currently embody despite the ambition of creating the future they know is possible.

When you feel separation between who you are now and who you want to be, guess what feelings arise?

1.      The feeling of being a failure.

2.      Judgment from yourself, perhaps even a perceived judgment from others.


These feeling ultimately illuminate a deep wound of feeling inadequate.


All the while you are feeling these fears, you are actually literally living the future you are trying to avoid by being the perfectionist who wants everything to be of the highest quality before taking action.


This is what I call the Perfectionist Paradox.

The future you are trying to avoid through compensating with perfectionism is the very recipe to create the exact future you don’t want for yourself.

It’s a harsh truth…

But I also want to encourage you to be graceful with yourself.

Acceptance is always a key component is transformation.


Trust me when I tell you that you can and will shift your identity beyond the perfectionist.

It’s a lifelong dance, but the early stages of shifting your identity out of the perfectionist paradox are the most challenging.

I’ve been through it before.

I’ve died that brutal ego death.

I’ve breathed the hard realization that I was already embodying my deepest fears.


But here is the secret that nobody tells you because very few people are actually embodied in what they quote-unquote preach…


Once you awaken to the fact that you are creating the very future you are trying to avoid, living in the deep seated insecurities that you are trying to resist, silently dwelling in the fears that you would never admit…

The hardest part is already through.

You are literally in your fear.

And you’re still breathing.

Now its time to find the seed of potential that is hidden in that place so that you can plant it, and nurture it as your greatest gift.

You greatest gift has to be discovered through you deepest shadow.

That’s exactly what I’m here to help you with.

And these are the HIGH level 1:1 conversations that I have with ‘perfectionists’ who are ready to embrace their fears and create the more beautiful reality they know is possible.


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77 Insights to Overcome Perfectionism


The Future is Not Real: How to become self-empowered