Self-Actualization and Rewiring the Subconscious Mind

equator journal

Where do ideas come from?

Let’s talk about the energetics of ideas, the constructs of your subconscious mind, and how to play with reality.

(and therein liberate you and help you actualize your potential!)


First, we need to understand the thought-scape and dissect how and where ideas come into play.

A thought is merely an energetic code that carries along with it a question.

That question is, do you believe in me?


When we choose to identify with a thought, essentially it’s like choosing to walk into a store based on the curiosity of the storefront.

We do not always know what truly beholds the thought, but believing enough in a thought to identify with it takes trust.

Trust is the heart of this discussion.


To your relief, but often disadvantage, your brain automates the processing of 70,000 thoughts per day.

Why can this be a drawback?


Much of this processing is done without your conscious awareness, beautiful, but also in need of an update.

You trust to some level that your unconscious will handle this work load.

It does, marvelously efficient, but not always up to the quality of who you want to become.


Like thoughts, Ideas possess an energetic code and pass by our thought-scape as well.

How you have been conditioned to digest ideas is how you will identify or reject them.

If your system is accustomed to safe, simple ideas, that is what your system looks for.


Again, this is a beautiful piece of technological automation,

But is it really working in your highest interest?


The ego often dominates your mind.

It prefers to be right rather than free, and comfortable rather than uncomfortable.

What you have been trained to gravitate towards is more of what you choose to see.

It is confirmation bias in your mind, and let’s play with it today.

Self-Actualization and Rewiring the Subconscious Mind

equator journal


The foundation of your mind is built upon trust.

Trust is a spectrum ranging in amounts from near zero to near infinity.

Every idea lands on this spectrum in your mind.


An idea that possesses an energetic signature that is different than what you typically and unconsciously identify with will likely gain a LOT of attention in your mind-space, but ultimately be placed closer to distrust.


The way we play with confirmation bias is through playing with trust.

The way we play with trust is by playing with the unconscious.

Playing with the unconscious is becoming aware of your autopilot systems and writing a new script.


Ideas categorically fall into the ingredients that help you become who you want to become.

Here is the problem.

The obstacle between you and who you want to become is who you think you are.

Self-Actualization and Rewiring the Subconscious Mind

henri laurens

Who you think you are is ultimately the one running your life, not who you truly are.

What I mean is that the story that re-inforces your identity, which is now so close to your eyes you can hardly see it, is the one who filters ideas.


When was the last time you updated this identity?

We all operate to the extent of freedom of which we are limited.

Identity limits freedom and potential.

But your identity is only ever one idea away from collapsing.

I use “collapse” in the most beautiful sense, for we are only one idea away from being reflected of a deeper part of our self that we were previously unaware of.


Freedom is becoming aware of what you were otherwise unaware inside your self.


So this is how I like to understand ideas.

Ideas are the energetic signatures that God brushes up against our consciousness. An idea in which is brushed within us because we hold the potential to give it form.


This is where the criticality of becoming aware of your operating system of trust comes into play.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that your unconscious system is great for survival, but not for the idea of success and actualization.

Ideas help us illuminate this.


Ideas that activate fear simultaneously as desire are often the ideas our actualized self yearns for us to embrace.

equator journal

To experience the full spectrum of fear, desire, and yearning simultaneously is like surging of power through a building.

Everything is flashing because something powerful is happening.


We are conditioned to believe this is “bad”, which it very well could be via our perception.

However, it is undeniable that what is being offered is a glimpse into a radically new identity, narrative, and paradigm.


This of course is a grandiose idea, but we have all felt what it is like to be lit up inspirationally whilst fearing that same inspiration.

The choice here again becomes, “do you believe in me?”


To ease the pressure we love to put on ourselves, you can make no wrong answer!

Remember this all as serious as it is intended to be playful!


What I desire to illuminate within you is for you to play with your underlying subconscious narratives of who you think are and the life you think you should live!


I certainly stray to the extreme of, “To hell with those limiting constructs!”

But I will certainly not take it personally if you say otherwise, because I paradoxically thrive within constraint, the very thing I teach you how to dissolve!


My mission is to help you get free from the inside out so that  you can actualize more of your potential and live the life you came here to live, and I hope it is radically different than mine because I Love contrast.

Self-Actualization and Rewiring the Subconscious Mind

bailer elder


Any who, I could talk about this forever and I am so grateful you took to the time to read all of this!


Yeehaw + Love


The Redesign Reality Workshop

is A live 6 week transformative program to help you get free from the inside-out, un-limit your potential, and feel damn good about you who are becoming!


Sex, Money, and Self-Actualization : illuminating unconscious programs.


Embodied Learning : finding balance between mind and body.