Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

Whether you deem yourself to be overtly conscious, spiritual, religious or whatever,

Spiritual entrepreneurship has blanketed the modern day economy especially within the creator economy and one person business models.

Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

Secretly, I absolutely delight that extremely successful rising solopreneurs have tapped into this creative consciousness knowingly and unknowingly. The methods that they follow are very grounded in slef-actualization so that the better service to humanity can be rendered.

It’s all transformation based now.

People are not looking for information because the age of information is distorted in multiple ways that we don’t need to dive into for sake of this discussion.

People seek how to use information to create transformation through a guided framework.

This is inherently spiritual “dogma” though I try to straw away from such terms.


In this article we are going to dive into spiritual entrepreneurship.

We are going to approach spiritual entrepreneurship from the angle of restructuring your perception of business, service to humanity, and mindset.

By the end of this article you will understand how to direct your perception into the path of service to self and others. You will learn how to best align with your unique authentic purpose and how to structure your mindset and belief system to be destined for sustainable wholeness and abundance.

Conscious Capitalism

Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

The foundational principle of successful business dwells much before business itself.

Business is always a reflection of the true nature of the one whom is currently operating it. This is a very cold truth in some circumstances.

Business itself is an entire sphere of human experience related to service, and it has developed and transformed in many ways throughout the years in every direction.

The Age of Aquarius is here to amplify all of that even further, which also means the capacity for extraordinary conscious practice in service to humanity is more available and more celebrated than ever with all of the resources that come with it.

Lets talk about the nature of resources.

Resources in some direct or indirect way equates to power.

Many of us fear power.

Whether we fear possessing power or fear the power of others exerted upon us, it is the same to differing degrees.

Our fears of power misconstrue the way we want to show up in the world.

Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

It is easy to see the distortion of capitalism rife within culture today, but it is extremely important to note capitalism itself is neither good nor bad, rather I would even argue that is it good for humanity. Nonetheless, what creates the distortion is the humans that are within the system itself operating business which is a direct reflection of the human within.

A human out of balance and out of integrity with his or her highest self will correspondingly run business out of balance and out of integrity to the collective betterment.

The self serves others through business, and the business serves the world through the self within.

The two are interlinked and this is where consciousness is extremely vital.

Again, is it not money itself that is the seed of all money, but the attachment to money that is the seed of all evil.

Attachment to power leads to distorted integrity, while a reverence for power lead to well articulated pathways for that power to coordinate amazing things.

Money is extraordinary.

“Money can coordinate labor across continents,” says Charles Eisenstein in his book Sacred Economics.

Now imagine the power of that coordination imbued with consciousness.

That is the future of business and service.

Conscious capitalism is utilizing the freedom of potential and resources available to us in this day an age with a greater sense of connectivity, integrity, and betterment of self as well as mankind.

The “as well as mankind” aspect is where distortions and disagreements arise from unhealthy expressions of capitalism.

Capitalism is neutral. It says the amount of energy you put into system has an equal chance of return as someone else applying the same amount of energy elsewhere.

Conscious Capitalism is imbuing conscious awareness into a well articulated channel that benefits and transforms mankind intimately, and thus provides return.

The fine line is integrity and intention.

This all boils down to what you believe is possible for the self, for your service, and for humanity. This is why limiting beliefs are the foundation of what separates capitalism from conscious capitalism.

Limiting Beliefs about Business.

What you believe to be possible about business is what you believe to be possible for self.

Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

What you can achieve in life is directly linked to what you truly believe is possible. Business is what reveals your beliefs about the world.

Those who run “successful” business today have un-limited their belief systems, but still then integrity and intention come into effect heavily.

Your belief about how you can show up for others is the belief you hold about showing up for yourself.

To show up meaningfully in your service, you must rewire and reprogram your underlying mechanisms that dictate why you want to serve, how you can serve, and to what extent you can serve.

These are entirely internal belief structures that can be transformed at any time.

limiting beliefs in mindset

In order to transform these belief structures to show up in a way that yields greater impact on the world and therefore greater resources and power to you, then you must understand these principles.

1.      Only you can truly limit yourself, therefore only you can un-limit yourself

2.      To unlimit yourself you need to take responsibility for limiting yourself.

3.      Responsibility leads to acceptance.

4.      Acceptance leads to ownership.

5.      When you own your beliefs, you can author new beliefs and edit old ones.

6.      As the author, you always have agency over what is and is not possible for you.


These principles represent the mindset that you must embody to work through your limiting beliefs about business.

How you believe you can be of service is the maximum of how you can be of service.

Gradually, you can continue to push the threshold of what you believe to be possible in business. Couple this belief with a the sense of becoming a better version of yourself each and every day and you are translating the spiritual into the physical.

 The truth is,

The way you grow spiritually is the same way you grow your business.

The light in which you focus on becoming your best is how you remove limitations and focus on celebrations.

The exact same principle applies to business as you constantly refine your authentic of serving the world through business as an extension of the self. When you show up in integrity, you will be supported with integrity, thus generating more of a drive for you to align more and more with your highest integrity and your highest self.

limiting beliefs about money

Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

So now it all comes down to money.

Your perception to money is directly correlated to your perception of power.

Many of us are conditioned with a shitty relationship that ends today.

We have been governed by win/lose metrics of success that imply a sense of scarcity that teaches us to be in a primal fight or flight mentality when running business.

This mentality says that there is only so much to get around so you better get it now or someone else will. This programs us into a believing business is some sort of survival game, and from this perception we will never meaningfully create with integrity because we are operating from scarcity at our basic level human need.

You have a choice to perceive money differently than is programmed, but we are never led to question to narrative paradigm because it has been reinforced within us so deeply.

Think of it this way,

“You can have anything you want in this world if you help enough other people get what they want.”

That’s a quote from zig ziglar that beautifully illustrates business as a service. Business is a sort of selfless selfishness. The selflessness lead to create meaningful impact on the world and then is followed by the reception of resources and money to the self.

The more we attribute money as corollary to the amount of people and or extent of impact of how we serve, we immediately cultivate a new belief system about money.

Making millions of dollars, suddenly seems much more beautiful, attainable, and wholesome.

how to overcome limiting beliefs about money

Intro to Spiritual Entrepreneurship (solopreneurship)

The key to overcoming your limiting beliefs about money is to take that which is undesirable, and transform it into that which is worthy.

Who ever said that money doesn’t grow on trees is a con artist.

Money literally is trees. Paper money is the bark from trees.

So to make money worthy, think about money on the scale of how intimately you can connect to nature. Connecting to nature is reconnecting to yourself.

When you reconnect to deeper parts of yourself, your potential to give, to show up, and to serve with integrity grow exponentially because you begin to your service as a way to serve humanity, nature, and yourself simultaneously.

The quickest way to overcome your limiting beliefs about money is to perceive money from a completely different frame.

Life is not about what you are looking at, but rather where you are looking from.

If you are looking at making a million dollars in the traditional sense of capitalism you may look at who has one million dollars and how they got there and feel disgusted by it or separate from ever being able to achieve it. This ultimately will keep you stuck in scarcity.

Now if you look at making a million dollars from the sense of creating a lifestyle devoted to serving others and becoming your best self, then this becomes more desirable, honorable, and expansive.

You view the process of making a million dollars creatively and uniquely as you forge your own path that feels most aligned to you.

You always have agency over your perception so your limiting beliefs about money, business, and entrepreneurship can be un-limited at any time, but only by you.

With this perception, there is nothing stopping your from aligning with a fulfilling path of service and abundance other than you own inner voice of doubt. That voice may always be present, but now that you are conscious of how to structure your reality, the choice is entirely yours to align with your highest service in business.


Overcoming limiting beliefs about love.


self actualization vs transcendence