Re-wiring Shame to Boost Creativity

re-wiring shame to boost creativity

I’ve repressed so much shame and guilt in my life.


What is your relationship to shame?

Shame and guilt pose some of the deepest limitations on our potential.

Believe me, I know.

Its not the shame and guilt itself that limits us.

Shame just is.

Guilt just is.

But to live beyond the constraints of these is to reconcile our relationship with them.


Recently, shame and guilt have popped up a lot for people I’ve been working with, especially men.

Ignoring, repressing, or hiding these very human feelings is not a fruitful path.

But the ‘solution’ isn’t just as easy as changing your behavior.


Behavior is a start, but it doesn’t paint the whole picture.

Changing your behavior creates the necessary space for you to look at underlying shame and guilt from a slightly detached position.

We have to take a step out of the frame to the picture that has been painted, and to inquire about what we would like to change about it.


Shame and guilt aren’t monsters in the closet, but unreconciled they can truly wreak havoc on our lives inside and out.

Inquiring into your fundamental story of shame and guilt will help you uncover the tight knots in your system that you’ve grown accustomed to living with.

Imagine the relief when you unravel those knots?

I can’t express to you all the beautiful energy, clarity, and devotion that becomes available to you when you learn to hold, accept, and dissolve and your shame.

It’s certainly something I’ve struggled with, and it is a recurring theme that pops up in almost every single coaching call I hold so it’s extremely impactful to dive into.


For anyone that experiences the density of shame and guilt imposing power over you, I see you.

Here’s how you can re-wire your relationship to shame

Start by allowing all parts of you to feel safe enough to just hold the shame and see it for what it is.

Feel the deeper stories within it and how they symptomatically play out in your life today.

Direct your creative energy through the places in your system where guilt and shame live.

Its like turning on old rusty water pipes.

Feel where the kinks still come up, then apply some grace with yourself and reconcile those places.


On the other side of your current relationship with shame and guilt IS the very purpose, potential, and power that you’ve been waiting to realize.


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