Re-defining Your Subconscious Narrative

You are defined by your subconscious narrative.

 That narrative has absolutely nothing to do with who you are and what your potential is,

but it has everything to do with what has happened to you.


Let’s re-define your narrative.

Step 1 in re-defining your narrative:


Realize what has happened to you in life does not determine who you are in life.

What determines who you are is how you relate to what life presents to you.


As a child your personal sense of agency was not as developed.

Be graceful with yourself about the patterns of relating to yourself that you picked up from your environment.


As an adult, you have responsibility of agency, but your default operating system has already been established by when you were less than aware.

You see the dilemma…


Who you think yourself to be, largely occurring on auto-pilot now, is a reflection of the patterns and shit you picked up on unconsciously.

The problem is,

Your now ‘conscious’ self unconsciously reinforces this idea through all of your reactions to life.


Breaking your subconscious narrative requires 1 component.



Your narrative is expressed through your unconscious reactions.

The more you can inject space into the process of that reaction through awareness of the pattern, the more you empower yourself.


Think of reaction as the unconscious operating system,

and response as the conscious operating system.


Re-defining your subconscious narrative is replacing the once unconscious reaction with your now conscious reaction.


When your default reaction to life is no longer a reaction, but rather a spaciousness that allows you to respond through your full awareness in the moment,

You have re-defined your subconscious narrative.


The Myth of The Creative Block


You don’t need to bloom in summer.