You don’t need to bloom in summer.
You don’t need to bloom in summer.
Sometimes you actually have to prune the tree to spark the real growth.
I live in the Northern Hemi and its summer here, but instead of a bloom, this season has felt more like a pruning.
Its been a deep inner transformation with little signs to show on the outside.
My idea of :
- how I wanted to be of service to humanity,
- how I wanted my business to evolve,
- how I wanted to express myself
all had to fall to Life’s idea of these things.
I tried to launch a short transformational course on discovering freedom through shifting your identity and re-designing reality, and it felt like I was trying to make it become something different than what life had in store for it to become.
So I re-evaluated.
This season has been rough.
I’ve gone through serious inner transformation.
I’ve dealt with death in all sorts, even taxes too.
I’m accustomed to radical growth, but I’ve resisted surrendering further past the comfortable idea of who I think myself to be.
Life isn’t asking me to do this.
Life is declaring me to do this.
I can say I’m open and willing all I want, but how deeply am I embodying what I’m here to offer the world?
Funny enough, there was one little thing I was deeply resisting that I can attribute so much limitation to.
Shaving my head.
I’m quick to embrace radical new ideas, outlets of expression, and all the inner somatic goodness, but no so quick to embrace it on my own skin.
I’ve had long hair since I was 8.
I’m 26 now.
And since the birth of this idea to launch this new course, this little seed was growing telling me to shave my head.
My hair was the big thing in my life I was still attached to.
It was only thing I would resist changing if you told me I had to change it.
I semi-launched the Re-Align and Re-Design workshop, and I still had my hair.
I was literally in direct resistance to what I was trying to bring forth, hence my message didn’t transpire to me being energetically available to attract anyone into the course.
I’m so damn glad it didn’t, because I had to allow one more part of myself to evolve.
Energy precedes matter.
When we re-align to living life the way we were designed, we learn to set our inner environment in the direction we want to move first, then the physical follows.
The outside is always the last in the chain of manifestation.
I shaved my head.
And it didn’t feel like a huge re-birth,
it didn’t feel like a huge accomplishment.
It felt like the ribbon cutting of the Home I had already built.
IT was the official moment of declaration.
All of the energy had already preceded to transpire all the creation; it was just time to have that celebratory moment.
Resistance will always arise in our lives.
It’s here to reveal where we are not yet free.
The more we resist, the more it persists, and the greater the gap between reality and the freedom that is our birthright.
Collaborating with resistance, deeply listening to it, is one of the core pillars of the Re-Align and Re-Design workshop. It’s the path into your subconscious narrative that holds you back, and the very part of you that you need to re-design in order to live the life that you didn’t even know was possible.