Information Overload: How to get unstuck in Life
You’re stuck, but SO self-aware.
So you try to become more self-aware only to become more stuck.
This is the loop of information overload.
Self-awareness is a product of seeking often when times are stagnant, but times of stagnancy are created when self-awareness is not put into practice.
When you feel stuck, yet are so self-aware, the ‘logical’ solution is to learn more, become more self-aware, and understand more of the ‘problem’ at hand.
More awareness does not guarantee more freedom to the contextual circumstances that you are living.
Often, it can have the opposite effect and lead one to feel density through stories of guilt, shame, and inadequacy.
“Ugh, I know this is the pattern and I know exactly why its playing out, but Im still so confused on what to do next and where to apply myself.”
Trust me, I’ve been there plenty of times.
Here a hard truth for devotees of learning:
More information rarely leads to liberation.
Information has a brew time, a fermentation time that is required to be digested into wisdom and something of integrative value.
The problem occurs because we keep adding more and more information to the various pots of fermentation within our minds that we lose track of which ones are ripe and ready through the inundation of the fresh and new.
Its like shiny object syndrome but for conscious creatives.
The passion and fire to awaken is strong.
In tending only to fire, we can lose our place in the world.
We can misplace our sense of belonging, and try to ground ourselves in ways that ultimately are not serving us.
What you need is not more awareness of your patterns, traumas, and of your true nature.
These are indispensable for your highest becoming, but they are of little use the longer and longer you live your life without integrating and practicing their insights and wisdom once it is digested.
I’ve discovered that with 99% of people you don’t actually need any more inputs.
Output is the balancing act.
All of that information becomes digested and then becomes some usable form of knowledge that can be applied.
Like all the arts and sciences, there are levels to this shit.
Applied mathematics becomes music and architecture.
Applied self-awareness becomes fulfillment and liberation.
When you become overloaded with information and awareness, step down from your mind and into your body.
Experience reality for a moment less through the lens of your mental stories and more through the lens of body.
Everything you need is already in there, especially with all the information and self-awareness you’ve gathered.
Now, put some of that awareness into everyday practice.
You know a lot about yourself, now follow the golden thread of what feels authentic and start applying that knowledge.
It’s going to be messy because life is messy.
You aren’t looking for the perfect morning routine, the perfect project to apply yourself, or the perfect alchemical moment of total clarity on the meaning of the universe.
You simply are just taking what you know and moving it through your body into practice and expression.
That’s how you move information and self-awareness through your body (hint: that’s real growth, evolution, and fulfilment).