Non-Productive Productivity
The most productive thing you can do is to not be productive.
How much energy, control, resistance, repression, and ignorance do we create in the name of being productive?
What ever happened to listening to the body?
Discipline is amazing, let there be no space to misconstrue, but what needs to put out into the world is a healthy check-in, a moment of discernment, as to what is really going on in your life.
The desire to be productive is beautiful, and it will take you in the direction of where you think you want to head in life, yet this disciplined approach must be applied to the productive counterpart to remain balanced.
Harmony must be created between doing and being, acting and feeling.
Let’s consider the act of doing as masculine and the act of feeling as feminine.
You cannot push one to the extreme without becoming imbalanced and out of harmony with yourself and your potential.
The further we push to the extremes of doing, the more we tend to sacrifice our inquiry to feel.
The more we tend to push to the extremes of feeling, the less we tend take action upon the things that we feel we want.
Productivity is your unique balancing point between doing and feeling.
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is to literally stop being productive and do nothing.
Let your body tell you what you need.
Sit within the uncomfort of the pattern interrupt of non-doing.
Take a day to drive up the coast and go to that special place you love.
Treat yourself to a mighty fine charcuterie in the park.
Hop on a train, and get off when it feels right to have a walkabout.
A pattern interrupt is the magical little spicy sauce to let the engines of your default operating system have a little cool off.
In that cooling off, the voice that was too small to be heard amongst the productivity engine can be heard, tapped into, and embraced.
The need to be highly productive in order to feel worthy in your pursuits is a deep program.
Letting go of this need is not just as simple as ‘do nothing’.
When you are accustomed to being productive,
in the absence of productivity all of your insecure attachments arise.
“I’m a failure if I don’t do x today.”
“I’m purposeless if don’t do y today.”
“I’m not myself if I’m not doing z.”
In the absence of our default programs, we are met with all of the ways we are identifying with what we do and all of the ways we attach our self worth to it.
This only ever leads to a very insecure self-concept in a world of constantly shifting energetic environments.
Then, us humans tend to try to control our outer environments to defend the shaky foundations of our insecure self concepts.
This is not the way.
Allow yourself to not be productive,
listen to what you’ve been ignoring,
and do the inner work of feeling the shit that you’ve pushed way deep down.
I can GUARANTEE you that doing those things will lead to a far more productive life that feels as good as it looks.