How to Make Great Decisions

I believe that everyone knows exactly what next decision is best for them.

Where most people get stuck is when they try to figure out the potential decisions after and after and after.


Life only reveals one step at a time.

The desire to ‘need to figure it all out’ is a product of 2 things.

1.      Not trusting yourself and Life enough

2.      Not feeling safe in uncertainty

Here’s how I help my clients re-discover their own clarity and make great decisions. 

1.      There’s no right answer.


The ‘answer’ most people are looking for that validates the action they do / do not want to make is usually not an answer.

It’s a subtle feeling, and it is very dependent on your ability to listen to the cues of your body and nervous system.

It’s not that regulation is always required to make a great decision, however in state of dysfunction, we are given a doorway to look at the fears that threaten the identity that must dissolve in order to create lasting change.


The answer you are looking for is already inside of you.


2.      There’s nothing more you need.

I’m willing to guess that if you’re reading this, you’ve gathered a hell of a lot of information on whatever it is you are trying to move towards.

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You’ve found a lot of golden information, but it’s mentally stored amongst all the shitty social media ads of information that takes up more space by orders of magnitude.

You don’t need more information, you need integration.

You don’t need more, you need less but better.


3.      Trust needs to be cultivated through action.


We can believe that we trust ourselves enough to put our trust into action, but often we find ourselves standing at the edge between the familiar and the unknown.


This is where we loop stories of ‘what if’ that prevent us from stepping beyond what feels currently safe and into the territory of our desires – which can feel unfamiliar and therefore feel like a threat to who we currently are.


What’s one small action you can take that represents deeper trust in yourself?

Don’t think 10 steps ahead, just think about what is right here and right now.


The action should challenge parts of your identity.


4.      Too much, too fast, too soon.

On the other side of the spectrum, I work with folks who are extremely ambitious. It’s both their blessing and the curse because it’s the source of their own prosperity as it is their burnout.

Our nervous systems can only sustainably handle incremental steps of growth.

It can feel amazing to move through life at lightning speed, but it’s very unsustainable. Without creating solid foundations at each new level we are subject to burnout and fall back many levels of growth.

The classic examples are those that make way too much money too quickly, those that become way too famous too quickly, and those that change their environments so rapidly that the inevitable revert back to previous states is prompted through burnout.

One step at a time, both feet on each step, as I like to say.

Every action, every perspective change, every win must be grounded. Keeping your feet on the ground is a hell of a skill today.


5.      The decisions you make are votes. 

Practice becoming deeply aware of what version of yourself you are voting for with the decisions you make.


Don’t be a drill sergeant about it, but be honest with yourself.

It’s okay to sit on the couch and eat some junk food if you just want to let loose, but its’ not a sustainable way to live a majority of your days type of thing.

The decisions that you want to make you are perfectly capable of now.

Making better decisions begins with creating more intimacy with your emotions, the things you avoid, and your ability to trust yourself.


Nobody else will ever be able to tell you what to do, what you need you already have.

Sometimes, you just need someone to help you turn everything inside-out so you can see more clearly.


The Dance between Fear and Freedom


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