$10k months don’t solve your problems

There’s never going to be a perfect number in your bank account.

I have a confession…

I love talking about money and success, but my design and fabrication studio only does $3-6k in revenue per month. 

AND I’m completely accepting of that.


Because I re-defined what success looks like for me and I don’t give a shit about $10k money twitter months.

I’m not in resistance to making more money. I’m feeling ready to start to expanding, but I just found the sweet spot that has been working for me in this version of myself.


-        Doing what I love

-        Serving an epic community

-        Surfing everyday

-        Gardening with my lover

-        Challenging myself

-        Free time to devote to other creative pursuits like writing on here


Now to cut through any false beliefs of this meaning that life is jipper all the time and always…

Sometimes doing what I love feels mundane.

Sometimes I don’t want to be seen in community even though it’s a huge aspect of my purpose.

Surfing doesn’t always have passion.

Gophers eat my goddam artichokes.

Comfort seems extremely appetizing compared to challenge at times.

Free time can make me feel purposelessness if I’m not applying myself.


Even as I live a fulfilling life, it is constantly evolving and revealing where I can update my relationship to myself, to my work, to my community, to my lover, and to my mission.

The success that you create will still have its shadow,

and the sub-structure of true success is knowing how to regulate through all seasons of life and to honor the authentic feelings, intuitions, and actions that arise through every season.


$10k months, $30k months, whatever fantasy of MORE will not teach you how integrate deeper and deeper into your authentic way of being as you constantly evolve your relationship of success.


The fastest way to destroy success is to let the image you have of it stagnate.

Success is a way of being in the world that occurs when you are aligned with you values, you mission, and have a sense of belonging to ground you.


So yes,

all this deep insight coming from a guy who only makes $6k a month on a GREAT month.

From what money twitter makes you believe, that is unacceptable. From how I’m relating to myself through the lens of success and money,

I’ve found a thread that feels good to me that I am nurturing from the inside-out. At times it feels scarce and at times it feels abundant.

The underlying feeling is the true vein of consciousness from which all emanates.

There’s a lot that money and success can teach you, and it doesn’t have to come from a guru who has cracked all the codes.


Success is an inside-job.

Why I write about this is because you deserve to break free from the narratives that keep you from feeling successful.

Who the fck cares how much money you make,

the client that makes $30k a month literally deals with the same feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and scarcity as do friends of mine, myself included, who make significantly less.

If you make a lot of money,

you are not exempt from these things.

I am here to help you re-wire that.


How to Make Great Decisions


Pure Potential and Trusting Life