Dissolving Perfectionism

You don’t need to have it all figured out.

Its safe to not know. 

Maybe you’ve been perfecting every step as a form of hiding.

Maybe you’ve been procrastinating because you fear the ‘what if’s’ of success.

Maybe you’ve haven’t fully surrendered to your path because some part of you doesn’t feel fully authentic about it.


Anyone who creates something from nothing knows these feelings.

They are very real, but they are not impassible despite it seeming so.


If you like to play the ‘what if’ game, play it out fully in both directions.

1.      Follow the thread of ‘what if’s’ through all the worst case scenarios.

Sit with and fully accept the fears at the very bottom of that thread.

Realize how tangible it might feel, but also laugh at how ridiculous it sounds.


2.      Follow the thread of ‘what if’s’ through all the best case scenarios.

See where it leads you and really lean into the feeling inside of it all.

Realize how readily available that feeling is to you now.

Recognize this exact feeling is the thread itself that you can follow.


Both scenarios are purely hypothetical.

You are just reading this. That’s all.


But what becomes available to you when you become fully aware of the choice to perceive your future as Pure Possibility?


What would you do next if you fully believed in Pure Possibility?


How to NOT Reinvent yourself in 2024


Simplifying Creativity and Shipping Creative Work.