How to NOT Reinvent yourself in 2024

Re-inventing yourself overnight is illusory.

Let’s get real about it.


The patterns and programs that are your default operating system are not easily changed.

People that undergo significant Life events still fall back their old systems of living after awhile.


You want to see BIG changes in your reality?

Changing your behavior is not enough.


There’s lots o’ noise about:

-        How to Reinvent Yourself in 2024

-        Manifest Your Dream Life Fast

-        How to get ahead in 6-12 months

While all of this is great, it can be deeply misleading.


Your Authentic Blueprint is different.

Not everyone is designed to operate as a manifestor, in fact, it is one of the rarest profile archetypes.

Systems like the Gene Keys and Human Design speak to this.


The best way to not re-invent yourself is to try to follow someone else’s blueprint to re-inventing yourself.

What worked for someone else cannot be taken as truth for you.

Let it be inspiring.

Let it kick your booty into high gear.

But don’t fawn your system to align with theirs just because they got what you wanted faster.

I’m a huge fan of the ‘Slow is Fast’ embodiment.

The funniest part about this approach is that when you just totally commit to the path but remain completely detached of outcomes, BIG change happens in very nuanced and unexpected ways.


Re-inventing yourself is about re-designing your everyday-ness.

Its honoring that the old program of you is THICK, but it can be hollowed out by constructing a new way of being on the side.

The more you water this new sprout of You, the more the old sprout of you can slowly fade.

This way you don’t blow out your nervous system by experiencing the “Too much, too fast, too soon” transformation.

Not everyone is designed to be an overnight (6-12 month) success.


So tap into the subtle of what makes you - You.

Celebrate that You like your life depends on it, because it actually does.

Authenticity is the pre-requisite to fulfilment.

IT’s also the organic path to Re-inventing yourself.


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