Simplifying Creativity and Shipping Creative Work.

I firmly believe 99% of people over-complicate their offerings. 

For the ambitious creative, you want more aligned projects? 

Alignment requires trust, and trust is two fold.


1st. Trust must be cultivated in you. 

Do you trust that you are leading with your authenticity?

Do you trust that what you offer is of deep value?

Do you have clarity on how to communicate you creativity to others?


2nd. Trust must be the cultivated with those ready to embrace your creative offering.

Do you show up with integrity?

Do you have something to prove?

Are you serving yourself or the other person?


Here’s a great way to cultivate the two-fold nature of trust that is overlooked.


Get into your local community.

Yes, yes – I know.

The whole ‘capitalize on the digital renaissance’ thing.

Beautiful, fine and dandy.


Trust can be cultivated much more seamlessly in real life.

Shaking hands, eye contact, walking and talking…


Cultivating trust in your local community keeps you accountability to show up with integrity and it forces you to be seen.

There is no playing small or hiding in a small idea of yourself when you are out there having conversations with the people who need your service locally.


This is a foundational pillar of knowing who you are.

It shapes the way you embody clarity, confidence, and connection in your gift.


This embodiment is a product of how you show up in the world.

Embodiment is how you cultivate trust in the digital sphere.

Embodiment is your marketing.


So you want more aligned creative projects, and you want to capitalize on the digital renaissance?


Don’t skip the fruitful journey of shaping the integrity of your offering in your local community.

Then, when you feel integrated and embodied in how you can impact others, scale digitally.


There’s nothing wrong with trying your first go online, but there’s already too many ‘coaches coaching coaches  how to get their first coaching client’ online.


Be seen in community.

Step up.

Create with integrity.

Discover more of yourself.


Dissolving Perfectionism


Learning to Trust in Yourself through Authenticity.