77 Insights to Overcome Perfectionism

77 insights and integration techniques I’ve learned from 11 years of transforming the perfectionist from fear to freedom.


1.      Perfection is behavioral adaptation. If you can learn it, you can unlearn it.

2.      You are both a masterpiece and a work in progress.

3.      More information is not liberation.

4.      There’s nothing wrong with you, you just have an idea of yourself that’s in the way.

5.      Perfection is an illusion, life is designed perfectly imperfect.

6.      Imperfection is the only place you truly realize “I’m Perfection.”

7.      Where you strive for perfection is where you don’t feel safe in who you are.

8.      Perfectionism is supported by the fear of failure.

9.      Perfectionism is sustained by the fear of judgement.

10.   Waiting until things are perfect in order to act will only lead you to identify more conditions that are not yet perfect.

11.   You can always make up a story that validates not taking action.

12.   There is no substitute to taking Aligned Action.

13.   Action without intention causes more confusion than clarity.

14.   You are confused because you haven’t used ‘the answer’ you were given yesterday.

15.   Achievements don’t define who you are.

16.   Failures don’t define who you are.

17.   Meeting you own needs is the pre-requisite to re-wiring perfectionism.

18.   People pleasing only leads to separation between the life you truly desire.

19.   Inauthenticity is the cause of unnecessary suffering.

20.   You are worthy, regardless of your performance.

21.   You receive what you subconsciously believe what you are worthy of.

22.   The perfectionist focuses on lack, the im-perfectionist focuses on love.

23.   The fear of feeling inadequate is more crippling than actually feeling inadequate for a moment.

24.   Repressing you feelings only amplifies the tension in your life.

25.   The fear of judgement is more crippling than an actual reality of judgement.

26.   Other people’s opinion of you only matter to the degree of which you already believe them.

27.   ‘Perfecting’ your offering before making it available is the recipe to burnout.

28.   You can’t build a new you on your old subconscious foundation.

29.   You are limited to the degree of which you are unware of your limitations.

30.   It’s safe to make mistakes;  it’s a natural aspect of how we grow.

31.   Freedom is your birthright; its your natural way.

32.   Fear can only exist where freedom already dwells.

33.   Connecting with your authentic self is freedom.

34.   Nobody else can tell you what you authentic self should look like.

35.   “Should” should be eradicated from your vocabulary.

36.   You did the best you could with what you knew at the time, give yourself grace.

37.   Slowing down will solve 99% of the problems you think you have.

38.   Life doesn’t need to be where your problems are.

39.   Trying to solve your problems is what perpetuates the belief that you have a problem in the first place.

40.   Dissolution > Solution.

41.   Procrastination masquerades as the fear of being seen.

42.   You don’t need more information, you need more integration of what you already know.

43.   Integration is the process of applying your awareness into everyday practice.

44.   True wisdom is embodied knowledge.

45.   Taking the quickest path will lead to the longest journey.

46.   The only sustainable way to your dreams is straight through your fears.

47.   Your fears are only monsters in the closet if you choose them to be.

48.   Take you fears out for a metaphorical beer, you might be surprised by what you learn about yourself.

49.   Life is Messy.

50.   Breathing deeply will give you answers you didn’t know you were looking for.

51.   The future you are trying desperately to avoid is the future you are bound to create.

52.   Your Authentic Blueprint to success will look and feel different than what the gurus are telling you.

53.   Have you ever met a ‘successful’ perfectionist? Me neither.

54.   The future isn’t real, so stop trying to make it perfect.

55.   The fantasy images you have of the future are the very images preventing you from starting now.

56.   You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are. (Hint: Perfectionism is based in fear.)

57.   Forgive yourself.

58.   Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

59.   No matter of successful, happy, of fulfilled you are, you will still be judged… and you don’t have to care about it.

60.   Perfectionism is a very intelligent mechanism designed to keep you safe in the small idea of yourself. It just gets conflicting when your desires are ambitious.

61.   Perfectionism prevents your potential from being actualized.

62.   You can choose to stop identifying as a perfectionist at any moment.

63.   The part of you that is seeking information is the part of you that is inhibiting your transformation.

64.   Perfectionism isn’t a quality to overcome; it’s the part of you asking to be transformed.

65.   Resistance reveals to you where you are not accepting your reality.

66.   You cannot move forward if you don’t accept all that you are.

67.   You can strive to be extremely detailed oriented and awesome without identifying as a perfectionist.

68.   Your greatest fears hold the seeds of your greatest potential.

69.   Just because you can see the next mountaintop doesn’t mean you skip crossing the river.

70.   Practicing what you already fcking know.

71.   Your nervous system is the both the lock and the key to self-actualization; get familiar with your default pattern of flight or flight reactions and inquire upon the validity of the threats you experience.

72.   The biggest threat you experience on a daily basis is likely not to your physical safety, but rather to the opinion you have of yourself.

73.   You don’t need to fight for your limitations by defending your identity as a perfectionist.

74.   You weren’t born a perfectionist, you were born a human.

75.   “Should” implies shame. You can do without both.

76.   Where you hold shame and guilt in your expression is where your latent potential is hidden.

77.   The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now.


Stop gathering information.

Stop trying to gentrify the future with certainty.

Stop believing that you are only worthy is you don’t make mistakes.


You don’t need to know all the answers, and you don’t need even need to know all the questions.

Give yourself some grace, and start putting you awareness into practice.

Take the path that goes right through the core of your fears and fully realize that you don’t need to be perfect to be fcking amazing human.


You came here for so much more than for fearing judgement or failure.


You're overcomplicating it.


Becoming an Imperfectionist: Redefining Perfectionism