An Angsty Love Letter to Myself.

You need to be your best you now.

You literally cannot afford it otherwise.


The deep truth you cannot ignore is that whisper, that innate knowingness, that burning yearning to embody the version of you that world absolutely needs.


The people you love

the community you are a part of

the world at large

does not need the outdated version of you, the limited version of you, or the small idea of you.


Everything you can be is what you must be.

Its written on your heart, its already there, you just have to fucking be more of it.


I get it.

Life is difficult.

You sink into the same patterns.

There's no support lines on the other side of who you think you are, and it feels daunting, scary, and lonely.


And the truth is,

well, often it is exactly that.


The road to embodying who you know you can be is filled with the perfect difficulties that are uniquely and divinely designed for exactly your journey.


The blueprint to reveal your most authentic self has to traverse backwards through all of the shit that is not yours that you have tricked yourself into believing is yours.


Its hard work,

your hands get dirty,

your heart might ache,

and you might just try to opt out for the easy way.


But when you feel creative lifeforce flow through you, you immediately remember that the easy way is the true difficult way.


To turn away from your direct credit line to source,

to neglect your creative inner child,

to not live up to the challenge of becoming all that you can become is like sitting on the sidelines of your own BIG game and wondering why it feels so mediocre.


Every day you are being breathed into by your most creative and authentic self.

Creativity itself is not an idea, nor even an expression.

It is the challenge, a devotion, to becoming all that you can become.


How shitty of a reality would it be to look back at life and realize that you didn't embody that challenge to your fullest extent that you could have?


YOUR highest self designed that challenge perfectly for you. Its not a suggestion, its a command. Its not an idea, its the literal blueprint you have to follow to life your unique life that you came here to life. 

Yes its risky as hell. Uncertainty is guaranteed. Rapid growth beyond the comfort and familiarity of what you know is natural, but still painful. Every emotion will be amplified, but so will your life at large.


What moment are you waiting for to live your best life?

Eventually one day must become TODAY for it to be real. The future does not exist. it must become now to be truth.


Whatever eggs you put in the basket of tomorrow, bring 'em all back to the now and use them now. Give yourself grace for everything in your life, but become extremely firm with what is here now and what your authentic blueprint is calling forth.




You came here to a life that you can't even imagine.

so if not now, when? Rejecting society, being too highly attached to anything, and living from an outdated identity is merely a distraction from getting to the core of what it is that you truly want in life.


Release resistance.

Lean in.

Let go.

And allow who you believe yourself to be to evolve.

Capital Y You will thank you.


Shit, Sunshine, and Embodiment


Getting Out of Your Own Way to Re-discover Authenticity