Shit, Sunshine, and Embodiment

You need mates in your life that have been through the same sh@t that you’re going through.

Life amplifies with a support line.

What you are going through is unique, but not.

Life, friends, community; they are here to help you, they’ve been where you are before.

Storytime + 9 practices to level up from the sh@t to the sunshine.


Every mentor, teacher, and coach I’ve worked with ALWAYS was going through the exact same shit I was going through, just one degree deeper on their second time around.

I always knew it would be the same for me in how I wanted to help other people, and it certainly has, but, this time around I’m going through a deep initiation.


I’m launching this month long workshop on embodiment and re-aligning your life, and I’m going through a serious death of my current reality just in time to facilitate the same for the workshoppers.



It’s fcking brutal,

All these distortions of

-        who I thought I was,

-        what I thought was important to me

-        how I really wanted to be serving

are all dissolving and illuminating this deep underlying fear inside of me.

They are revealing this deep fear of deeper responsibility.


I’ve been comfortable operating in certain level of responsibility because it’s become habitual and I’m, ‘Good with this.’

The problem is, it actually doesn’t really matter what I think, Life is going to draw you deeper to where you need to be, whether you like it or not. Life is going to smack you upside the head and say, “Beloved, do you not know that you are here for even greater things than these.”


So what does any sane human do when Life lifes you,

I fucking resist, resist, resist, because It feels like I was just embodying nice into that level of life. Its funny, because resistance only makes the tension of the pull stronger.

I feel deeply in my bones that its time for deeper responsibility.


I feel ready to level up :

-        the scale or projects I’m taking on

-        the involvement in my community

-        the intensity and fire of my creative passion

-        the intimacy in my relationship

-        the impact I could be having on you.


Its easy to hide in a small idea of myself.

But I’ve just gotten accustomed to seeing how futile this is in living my best life. My best life is not lived in staying in this limited identity.


Its opening towards the :

-        growing pains of expansion

-        the death of who you thought you were

-        embodiment of what you have learned along the bumpy path.


My crutch is that I can claim to know all of these things in my mind,

But they are meaningless unless they become integrated into my body through practice and Life.


Knowledge only becomes wisdom when it is transcribed from the mind and into the heart.



I’m sticking to exactly what I know works best for me.

1.      Drop the stories of the future

2.      Get my feet in the sand

3.      Be radically honest with myself and others with where I’m at

4.      Let the part of me that wants to re-birth first die

5.      Lean deeply into resistance and fears

6.      Sit with EVERYTHING, the grief, the pain, the inadequacy

7.      Stay in my body, no distractions, no dissociations, no delusions, just presence

8.      Integrate everything im feeling through writing, sculpting, crying, and surfing

9.      Stay in the state until I don’t need words to understand myself.


Freedom lives just on the other side of who you think you are, just beyond your fears.

But you first have to go straight through them.


I’m sharing this because embodiment is crucial for your highest becoming.

There’s too many people out there who just talk without being embodied in what they know.

My hope is that by my vulnerable, my honesty, and by sharing the frameworks that works best for me then you too can be inspired to die…

Well, that certainly sounds better with the context of dying to the idea of yourself that is preventing you from living your best life, but you get the point.


Lessons From My 119 Year Old Dog


An Angsty Love Letter to Myself.