Uncertainty Is Your Greatest Ally
Trust in this one thing goes a LONG way.
(no it’s not yourself)
Will Velma ever find her glasses? perhaps trust has something to say about it…
Trust in what?
Yes, I could say trust in yourself, of course.
But I believe it’s much more powerful to trust in uncertainty.
Here’s why uncertainty is your greatest ally and why learning to trust in it is one of the most valuable skills in this wild whacky contemporary.
Life is Uncertainty - get used to it.
Speaking to myself here.
I’m currently in the middle of a season of complete and utter uncertainty.
What’s going to happen tomorrow?
Am I going to live up to my fullest potential?
Will I finally find a good piece of pizza around this God forsaken pizza wasteland i call home?
I don’t know…
And i have to learn to be okay with that.
It sounds too simple to be true, but like most things - that’s the truth.
I don’t know what’s going to happen in 15 minutes.
I might have a general idea of it, but how much of that is shaped by my expectations of how i believe things ought to be?
This is a powerful question to ask yourself, so i actually want to re-phrase it more simply:
“how much of my life do I live based on trying to control what happens next?”
Control is one hell of a drug, and we’ve all used it.
I use it to cope with my fears.
I use it as a means to make it look like I have it all figured out.
I use it because, well… it feels good to control. That way if things don’t work out in my favor atleast I can be right about the fact that it justifies my narrative.
But control is not the way.
It does not create possibility.
It does not create great relationships.
It does not make space for great decisions.
Control is a reaction to Uncertainty.
But what if instead of reacting to uncertainty, we collaborated with uncertainty?
Here’s a few reflections that can help you cultivate trust in uncertainty, and by proxy create a more curious, vulnerable, and wonder filled life:
How can I replace just 10% of my desire to control with curiosity instead?
What would need to happen to treat uncertainty more like a friend - with welcome and embrace?
How differently would I feel about my current circumstances if I believed uncertainty had my back?
What becomes available if I stopped needing to know all the answers?
Who do I need to be to welcome more possibility into my life?
Uncertainty is a dear friend, and like any friend - is deserving of trust (and has so much more to offer us than we believe)
That’s all for now folks.
I appreciate and miss y’all.