Mental Overgrazing: How to stop overthinking

Chances are if you feel stuck, there’s an emotion stuck there too.

Stagnancy in relationships, in creativity, and in career/business all correlate to a stagnancy within our inner landscapes.

Every time I find myself stuck in some capacity, it comes from exhausting the emotional or mental resources that I depend on.

There is only so much available to me in one way of thinking and one way of feeling at a time until inevitably something needs to shift.


Overgrazing is a thing.

Cattle left confined to graze in one pasture for too long has a gamut consequences.

The landscape will not only cease to sustain the diets of the cattle, but it itself will begin to erode and deteriorate.

Species of grasses and flowers may stop reproducing.

Flows of surface water can be altered in ways that shock the hillsides.

Unnatural terraces could be cut in the landscape, forever changing the aesthetic physics of the land.


To sustain life and to maintain a natural flowing balance, the cattle need to be moved from pasture to pasture, neither grazing too much nor grazing too little.

The design of the cow is remarkable when you zoom out a few planes of awareness.

Plants convert sunlight into fiber and stored energy.

Cows convert plants into more stored energy as a food source for humanity.

By the transitive property of congruence, a bi-product of sunlight can become a cow.

Nuance aside, it can be an extremely symbiotic relationship when stewarded consciously.

IT’s a great metaphor for own operating system.


How often do you overgraze certain thoughts?

What types of emotions are you grazing too much, or too little?

How can you discover new pastures to graze on?


To operate at my highest capacity in creativity, in relationships, and in my work I must continually find new modes of thinking and feeling.

When I think myself into a corner so-to-speak, a false limitation, I have to use a new way of thinking to get through the obstacle that my old way of thinking created.

The same occurs emotionally.

My default emotional state will only lead me so far until I discover it’s limits, where then I am called to embrace other emotions to dissolve the limitations perceived.

As the new ways of thinking and feeling create spaciousness where stagnancy once lived, I feel an inspiring reset, a creative recalibration, a business breakthrough.

The tension that is relieved when I discover this sort of pasture as I’ve been grazing the shit out of a little mental corral feels like pure freedom.


I often see herds of cows gathering near the open gates to new pastures, waiting.

Despite being so near to the new pastures, their gaze is focused on the fence rather than the doorway.

I feel exactly the same way at times, blinded to the doorway yet fixed on my limitation.

All it takes is someone to the point at the gate you couldn’t see with your way of seeing.

That about sums up the container of FREEDOM OS.

Apply here to get started in designing and building a new creative way of thinking and decision making.


That’s all for today folks.

Thanks for reading.

Go with love



Uncertainty Is Your Greatest Ally


Shou Sugi Ban is my Somatic Therapist