The Struggle of Digital Authenticity

You are not authentic. 

Talking about your life on instagram isn’t the solution.

‘Be yourself’ is bullshit advice.

My ego desperately doesn’t want to write this, but its time to sit your, and my, arse down and listen up.


How you interact digitally is the VERY last part of your authentic self to be seen.

It’s the barely budding leaf at the very top of the tree. 

That leaf is going to grow according to how the tree is established.


How established are you in authenticity?

-        people pleasing

-        micro abandoning yourself

-        not communicating your needs

-        repressing emotions

-        control 

These are the main branches of your inauthentic self.


The roots of your authentic self are established through language and the way you relate to yourself.


How much of what you believe about yourself is authentically yours?

how much is programmed?

what thoughts play on repeat?


Literally, write them down. 

The way you relate to yourself is either reductive or expansive.

Language will reveal that to you.

- shoulds

- coulds

- woulds

These are dead giveaways of where you are not accepting all that you are now.

They crystallize guilt and shame in your default operating system.


Accepting all that you are is the strong foundation needed to become more of your authentic self.

Without shame and guilt in your fundamental story, freedom is allowed to thrive. 

Freedom and authenticity are bi-products of each other.


Without shame or guilt, a new reverence is created for self.

Less pressure is placed on pleasing others.

More power is embodied to honor your needs.

More freedom ensues.


Authenticity starts with re-relating to yourself.

You CANNOT do this without first digging up the roots of your subconscious narrative of insecurity, scarcity, and inadequacy.

Then and only then can you sustainably allow authenticity to pour through.


You’ve established your life for 2,3,4,5 decades and you want to become more authentic.

It’s not something you sprinkle on top of your life.

It’s the seed you go back and nurture that grows into a fundamentally different reality.


Once you nurture that seed,

its energy will start to flow to the other areas of your life.


how you show up online is 37th on the list.


Pure Potential and Trusting Life


Control is not the way through Life.