Productivity: An Invitation to Do Less, but Better.

Busy is not productive.

We are sold a lie that ‘success’ is a product of busy, so we adopt busy-ness as our business in hopes of getting there.

There’s always some-there to get to until there isn’t.


So what’s the value of busying yourself on the way to get’there’?


“If I’m busy now, I can be not-busy later.”

-        says the majority of people.


I absolutely understand, it’s much easier to place what you truly desire in the future and distract yourself from it by either the radical pursuit of it or via procrastination.

Busyness does not mean that you are getting any ‘closer’ to what you desire.

Busyness is often the very distraction preventing you from doing the things that really matter, not to mention embodying the state of being to operate within that is conducive to growth, freedom, and fulfillment.

Being productive is less about doing and more about being.

Productivity is embodying the type of person you want to be, now, and making decisions and taking actions as that person who effortlessly know what to do next.

Knowing what to do next does not mean you always have it all figured-out, but it does mean that you trust yourself enough to know when you are in alignment and when you are out of alignment.

Busyiness is just out-of-alignment actions that make you feel like you’ve done something valuable, but inside of it still feels hollow.


khe hy talks of the difference between $10 work and $10k work.

He talks of discerning the work that has the highest leverage and involves the highest level skill in your zone of genius.

I would add that $10k work is made possible by being the version of you that trusts yourself enough to play big confidently.

Doing high leverage tasks takes a level of embodiment that is comfortable in the hot-seat of taking radical action especially in the silence between seeing the results.

The roadmap to success is backwards.

It’s not something you attain somewhere out there, but rather something already present that you re-discover internally that becomes a sort of masterkey to everyday thinking and decision making.

it doesn’t guarantee perpetual clarity, but it’s sure as sh*t a more productive and fulfilling path than hoping to get somewhere at some point in the future – which doesn’t exist.

Productivity is identifying what is currently working well, and feeling safe enough to let go of the familiar to focus solely on what is moving the needle.

Replace busyness with life-giving time and space, doing more of what feels authentic to you without the guilt of thinking you ‘should’ be doing something else.

If you don’t create space to nourish yourself now, you won’t make space for it later.

That life-giving space allows deeper clarity, confidence, and connection to settle into your being which reinforces the energy of success you learn to embody.

Productivity: An Invitation to Do Less, but Better.

Productivity Paradox : Less is Better


How to Find Clarity in a Culture of Confusion