How to Find Clarity in a Culture of Confusion

Confusion is an epidemic.

How many of you feel unclear in this season of your life?


The over-abundance of free information creates a disempowered culture disguised as a “knowledge is power” society. 

99.9997% of people don’t know what to do with information.

So they seek for more information to make the information they already have make more sense.

But where is the integration?


If you’re on the internet (which you are), you likely come across content that tells you of all the things that you could be doing, but aren’t doing.

The life that you could be living…

The $50k months that you could be having…

The impact that you should be creating…


You are told that all the information in the world that you would ever need is right there at your fingertips.

ALL of this is absolutely true, but that doesn’t mean its for you.

The fact is…


For that 99.9997% of people, there is an inverse correlation between gathering information and taking aligned action with that information to create the desired reality.


Knowing somebody who knows somebody who is famous usually suffices for people that desire to be well known.

The same is true for people who desire authenticity, success, and fulfillment. 

Living vicariously through the people you look up to and consume information from is subconsciously enough for you.

Just learning about what is possible through your relationship to them but staying in your small idea of self is a very safe place for you to subconsciously exist.

To actually take action towards your dream denotes a high level threat to who you currently think yourself to be.

The radical truth is…

If you are dying a brutal ego death in the evolving seasons of your life, you are still living in the small idea of yourself.

In no way does that mean that you should go out and radically shock your nervous system with some change that you are not prepared for.


But what I do have for you is this.

If you feel like you don’t know what you truly want or if you feel like you know what you want but don’t know how to get there…

Stop consuming free information.

Stop holding yourself to the ideals that you see set forth by the ones setting the ideals.

Stop shaming yourself for not taking action.


All you need is space.

SO much can be illuminated with space.

Detach from needing more information and start practicing what you already know.

If you need to use social media, be a creator not a consumer.

Integrate the knowledge that you think you have into embodied expression.

If you truly want ‘information’ or more accurately, ‘help,’ then fcking pay for it.


Ante in to show to yourself that you are ready to actually use the information to create transformation.

Commit with as many aspects of your life as possible.


Information is not going create transformation beyond your constraint for you.

So create space, and focus on aligned action rather than figuring out all the steps.


Productivity: An Invitation to Do Less, but Better.


You're overcomplicating it.