Ennui : Breaking the Cycle of Stagnation.

All photographs used in collages courtesy of equator journal.

Why do i feel stuck in life?

Here’s why.


We are going to dissect the science and energetics of feeling stuck and what this embodiment represents on a larger scale.

When you become aware of these things, you will become better resourced to consciously create new pathways of expression that will amplify the flow of freedom.

Existential Ennui

Let’s start by examining stagnancy on a few different levels.


Stagnancy creates increased stress in the body, yet strangely feeling stuck is a mental construct.

The mind has the capacity to create immune responses even through hypothetical storylines created in the mind.

This shows that whatever story is believed to be reality within the mind will create the subsequent chemistry.

Stress creates cortisol.

Cortisol can save your life when you are chased by a tiger, but certainly doesn’t help you when you’re sitting in a meeting, spending time with your beloved, or trying to create.

Stress decomposes the energy in your body for increased necessity of survival.

To reiterate, stress and the corresponding cortisol can be created simply through a mental narrative.

“How am I going to pay rent?”

“How will I finish my project on time?”

“What if I never meet someone?”


Regardless of the physical scenario, the mind holds the keys to your freedom. You can be free as bird physically, yet remain in this stories which tell you’re body that your survival is at risk.

Deconstruct your limiting beliefs here.

There, much of your potential creative energy is channeled into physical stamina for survival.

But, is that the best use of your energy?


Let’s talk about the energetics of feeling stuck.


Stagnancy arises when there is a discrepancy between your potential and your actualization.

Potential and actualization are designed to harmonize, yet when your potential beckons for growth and depth and is not met there, that is where stagnancy is born.

Potential attempts to pull you forward but the way you are showing up for yourself is not aligned to your potential.

Deeper insight on actualizing potential here.


Stress simply is the misuse of imagination.

When creative energy is being discharged in a way that does not access your potential, the energy in your body becomes misaligned.

Misaligned energy creates more layers or confusion, frustration, and stress; therefore, perpetuated a vicious cycle.


It is very natural to end up here.

I would reckon it is easier to find yourself stuck than it is to find yourself expanding via the nature of our fast paced lives and culture.


You are not alone, its normal, and heres how you can break the cycle.


When you feel stuck, you have made an agreement with yourself to misuse your imagination.

It may not be written so clearly, but nonetheless if your created this agreement, you can uncreate it.

However, many of us realize that we are stressed, yet find it difficult to escape.


Once embedded in stagnancy, we view our dreams at a distance.

We find console in being separate from our dreams.

We begin to fear the mystery that separates us from our dreams.

To align your potential with your actualization you must befriend the mystery.


If you made an agreement with yourself, you can make an agreement with the mystery.

“Mystery, I see you. I see you that hold the path of my dreams, I trust you.”

Trust the mystery to create your reality here.

When you are held in the mystery the waters of your mind can settle.


You do not need to have the clarity you think you are seeking. The clarity the mind seeks is rooted in scarcity.

The clarity you will be given is full body clarity that arises from taking aligned action towards your becoming.


When your actions are not aligned with your best becoming, stagnancy grows.

When you action aligns more with your best becoming, stagnancy dissolves.


Your agreement to mystery dissolves the scarcity mindset that prompts stress to ensue.

Deconstruct the story of stress, and stress has nowhere to grow.

Now the mind can create a story of potential and permission to not know all the answers.


Freedom never leaves you.

When you are stuck you have simply made an agreement to constrain the expansion of your freedom.

The stuck-ness intensifies because the pressure of the freedom grows in its constraint.

Unlock the door to your constraint, and freedom liberates your mind.


You have to use your own mind to unlock your mind, then what is revealed through the unlocking will liberate you further.

This is the positive of the vicious-cycle.

I call it the gracious-cycle.

Unlimit yourself here.

The gracious cycle is your birthright.

It was your default, but we all lose it’s way.

But what beauty is the joy of coming into union!

The gracious cycle needs an outlet.

You need a consistent space to express your imagination, your life-force energy.

Give your energy a place to be expressed creatively and consistently, and your mind will stay balanced with the natural yearning to become better today than yesterday.


Balance is where the input of imagination flows at an equal rate of creative output.

Balance is union.

Union with your liberated mind is the prerequisite for success.

Mental Freedom unconstrained will reveal the full body clarity that elicits success.


Success has an energy.

“Success is the degree of which you have discovered true inner peace.”

-        Peter Crone


Create the masterpiece your life deserves to be here!


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