Beyond the Collective Idea of Success

There is no fulfillment atop the latter of "what you should do."

But usually from that place, you can see more clearly the thing that scares the sh*t out of you yet simultaneously sparks a fire inside of you.

That’s’ your blueprint of success.

Here’s how I went from ‘should’ to success.


To begin,

Should is a very naughty word.

It implies separation between what I want and shame for being where I am

‘Should’ is an impassable bridge to what I think i want.


What I think I should do is a reaction to 2 things.

1.      It’s a reaction to outside belief systems

2.      It’s a reaction to what I am scared to do

these reactions create a distorted relationship to myself.


There is no clarity within these reactions.

Clarity and the adoption of what I think I should do/be are divergent timelines.

The more I ‘should’ myself, the more I create distance between the clarity I naturally crave.


The phrase ‘I should’ arises only at inauthentic intersections.

Change in my life is usually difficult, a little foreign, but ultimately life-giving in that some deeper part of me is resonant with the direction.

‘Should’ feels like it creates more separation between the feelings I’m striving to cultivate.


Inevitably, most of us still climb this ladder.

Whether it be prescribed from:

-        self

-        other

-        collective

all of us experience the fatigue and confusion along this path.


I’m all for dismantling the pedestal of ‘should’.


At every phase of my life there is always something that scares the shit out of me that simultaneously fires me up.

That’s clarity trying to come through again.

-        A wild business idea

-        a 3 month hiatus from work

-        a strange draw to something I’ve never been interested in.



The thing you fear doing that you want to do is the thing you must do.


Following that template has always led to the most profound breakthroughs in relationship, business, spirituality, you name it.

Whenever I feel stuck in life, it’s because I’m lost in a sea of ‘shoulds’.

The way through is always via embracing fear.


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