remember your way


This is my most intimate and transformative offering.

This is for the 1% of seekers devoted towards radically transforming their lives.

Here, I will work with you and help you truly embody the tools and practices you need to deconstruct limitations, confront your deepest fears, and feel damn good about who you are becoming.

This program is about asking yourself the deepest, and at times painful, questions to get down to the heart of who you truly are so that you can remember your way.

This process is broken down into 3 phases.




Here we collaborate on helping you become your most authentic and free self with access to more of your true potential that you were designed to unlock in this life.



This mentorship is a 3-month long private mentorship where we will meet each week over zoom for 1 hour totaling 12 calls.

If you choose to need a week of integration instead of a call, I will be available via email to answer any questions that may arise and help you in the most meaningful manner possible.

This program is $9,000 (we also offer a payment plan option as well)

During these 3 months, you will be my top energetic priority.

Please fill out the application at the bottom of this page.

More Details.

  • Everyday projects to and practices given to you after each session to help you focus on the art of your becoming.

  • Deep guidance from a man who has spent the last decade exploring the mountains and valleys of consciousness, creativity, and the contemporary.

  • Deconstruction of who you think you are and deconditioning from false constructs that hold you back

  • Radical Redesigning of what is possible in your life.

  • Techniques on how to actually build the life you design. Accountability

  • My graceful yet radical honesty on who you are working to become.

  • Random insight, stories, and playful practices that may will inevitably arise during this time.

For your Self-Actualization

This mentorship will be as powerful as you are willing to put your work into it. I also intend for it to be as fun as it serious!

I am not here to walk you through discovering your freedom and potential, nor to do the work for you.

I am here to collaborate at high level with those who ready to radically dive into the unknown and their deepest limitation to help free yourself into your own potential. 

I am here to help reveal to you the clarity, confidence, and connection that is innate within you.



Please fill out the application at the bottom of this page

Please fill out this application

Due to the nature of this mentorship, I will hand-select each applicant that I believe will be the best fit for this transformation. Please answer these questions thoughtfully, no need to rush your answers. Allow 1 week for potential selection after you submit your application.

Due to the nature of this mentorship, there are no refunds. Please make a full-bodied decision to commit physically, energetically, and financially.

Should you have any questions, email and I will try to accommodate your question.s.
