How to Re-Relate to Life and Circumstance

Inevitably, Life lifes you.

And its usually at the most inconvenient time and well outside of your control.


You get an unexpected bill from the IRS (me…)

You experience a hiccup in your relationship.

Work shit gives you the blues.

You feel too stressed to be creative.

Life just seems a little bit more foggy


Shit happens, and it will definitely try its best to throw you out of alignment,

But the real underlying truth here is in how you choose to respond to life and how you relate to what you believe is happening.


Here is the first crucial distinction.

You must separate what you think is happening to you from what is actually happening to you.

This is where EVERY single person I’ve ever worked with stumbles.


There is the categorical truth of me getting a bill from the IRS that I need to pay in two weeks time.

Then, placed on top is my story of all the ways I let impact it my life, my sense of security, my self-worth, and how I think it should make me feel.

My story is the perception of the situation I adopt in the moment and the choice I have to respond to it.

The default reaction is immediate stress, anxiety, and insecurity, but this can be re-programmed.


Most people cannot separate their story from the situation.

What this causes is a complete separation from what is right here and right now. The default response is then to loop and spiral into future timelines of worst case scenarios.

“What if I don’t have the money?”

“What happens if we get into another argument?”

Fill in the blank of your concerns and anxieties here.


When you loop into future timelines that quite literally are completely fictitious, fabrications of your own insecurities, you are focusing completely on the reality that you desperately want to avoid.

What happens is we create more of we don’t want because we are not in alignment with what we do want.


Life will always present us opportunities to become more free.


Unexpected hardship

Pure shit in the sunshine.


We are ALWAYS subjected to external circumstances that can be frustrating to say the least, but if you continue to operate in a narrative that allows these circumstance to completely upend your inner state of being then your life will only become more and more difficult as life compounds.


Maintaining alignment with your desired inner state of being cannot be sustained just with awareness alone.

The biggest area to exercise your power is to put your awareness into practice in choosing to respond to life consciously rather than to react unconsciously.


This is SO utterly important to be able to create

Healthy relationships

More money

Creative fulfilment

Better environments

And just about everything in your life.


This one practice has been the biggest factor in dissolving the mental constraints that separated me from living my best life now. This is exactly why it is now my passion to help you integrate this awareness into YOUR authentic blueprint to everyday life.


Creating Fulfillment Through Alignment


Success and the Subconscious