7 Practices to Prevent Burnout and Boost Creative Clarity

67% of the workforce admitted to burnout in the last 12 months.

This is insanity.

So many us are disconnected, dysregulated, and desensitized from our inherent vitality.

Integrate these 7 practices to prevent burnout, deepen emotional connection, and boost your overall vitality.

1. Somatic Mapping.

Notice what parts of your body you have been unaware of or neglecting.

What might be there that you aren’t fully acknowledging?

Note any emotion that arise with that part of the body.

2. The 10% more protocol

What would it take to be 10% more attuned to your body / emotions today?

Instead of avoidance, try embrace.

Observe how your patterns of behavior change in just a few days, and continue asking this question.

3. The Joy Experiment.

Set 2-3 alarms on your phone for somewhat random times throughout the day, title the alarms JOY.

When they sound, you’re only job is to express pure joy for 1 minute even if you have to fabricate the feeling.

Note how much resistance you might have to feeling joy, and inquire how that might be impacted your life.

4. The Avoidance List

Make a list of everything your are avoiding right now.

Tasks, emotions, and decisions.

Once your get to the end of your list, start there by asking,

“ how can I invite 10% more of this into my life today?”

I guarantee your stress will lessen

5. Is it true?

Whenever you find yourself looping into stories of fear, ask yourself “is it true?”

  • IS it true that i’ll never get a chance like this again?

  • Is it true that if I fail I’m a failure?

  • Is it true that I’m not good enough?

Use this to feel the space between what feels real and what is true.

5. The Future Now framework

Instead of waiting for the future to solve our problems, what would happen if that future was now.

What are 3 ways I would change the way I operate?

Implement those now.

7. Clarity first.

You don’t need any more than 1 answer.

You don’t look for clarity, you already have it.

What is 1 thing you’ve been knolling over that you already have the answer to?

Do that thing, then listen for step 2.

Follow @_kevji for more insights like this.

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